Monday, February 24, 2014

Live Review: Christina Grimmie WRECKS Any Competition @ The Voice

Christina Grimmie has already been a regular on the site (1)(2), but she will soon become a regular on The Voice, and more than likely win. With her cover of Wrecking Ball, Christina mercilessly devastated her competition, showing she does have The Voice.

Christina has showed drastic, drastic improvement with this performance, showing off a gorgeous head voice, vocal agility, and 2 octaves with insane mixing power in just 90 seconds of vocal destruction. She stormed the stage from side to side, working the stage, her voice, and the audience. She's light years ahead of any competition at the moment, also being easily the most famous contestant ever on the show. With over 2,000,000 Facebook likes and YouTube subscribers, and over 375,000 Twitter followers, she already has a massive support system to push her to the top of the pack.

You can watch the video of her audition below, which cuts off right before she picks Adam as her coach. Seriously, the sustained E5 and glissed G5 will bring light to your life.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Live Review: Ellie Goulding - Burn @ The 2014 Brit Awards

Ellie Goulding graced the stage at the 2014 Brit Awards just hours ago, in one of her very scarce awards show performances. Did she deliver? The short answer: sort-of.

If you were to divide the performance up between her acoustic I Need Your Love and her intense drum filled Burn, then you would be given two great performances. However, when you try to do both and put a lackluster and awkward transition with no context between them, you're left bored for a few seconds, and thrown about. For a few seconds, it felt like a good time to take a bathroom break. And it's a shame, because those few seconds really did kill what became an incredible performance.

The drumming, the fire, the dancers and Ellie's hips joined forces to give Burn it's best performance to date. Every live rendition of Burn before has felt strangely naked, since the synth riffs are given to a wimpy electric guitar most of the time. If Ellie would have just let Burn have 3/4 minutes to breathe, it would've been a much more effective performance.

And I Need Your Love was… interesting. The nun outfit seemed a bit out of place, in addition to a nervously fast tempo that she delivered with her acoustic guitar, it was nice, but simultaneously awkward.

If this performance was a dish, it would be very bittersweet.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Live Review: Bruno Mars - Super Bowl XLVIII Halftime Show

It's that time of the year, time for one superstar performer to be in charge of entraining hundreds of millions of people across the globe for 12 minutes. Last year, the task fell to Beyoncé. This year, Bruno Mars was put in charge. With such a tough act to follow, did he live up to the expectations set before him? Let's find out.

Starting off with a choir of young children belting out his featured part on Billionaire (that belted out some glorious soprano notes), Bruno appeared in the center of the crowd on the field with just a drum set. The choir was a good choice, along with the epic prepare refrain, but the drumming? That hardly kept anyone's attention for 4.7 seconds. He was good, but it just wasn't flashy or epic.

Quickly though, Bruno segwayed into his stadium-filler smash, Locked Out of Heaven. This seemed like an obvious choice since it's one of his more upbeat smashes, and he milked that sucker for a good two minutes, fairly long for a song in the halftime show. This is where the show truly began. He brought out his classily and similarly dressed band, who of course blasted the heck out of the song. Safe choice, but an excellent one.

Next, his similarly funky Treasure. Here, he appealed to the older demographic, showing off just how timeless he sounds. Following up his synth pumped Locked out of Heaven with 60's funk Treasure was a quick way to show the older crowd that he isn't some punk who just got lucky enough to get this spot on the Halftime Show. He kept this song short but sweet.

His 3rd song was a lesser known album track, Runaway Baby. Less funky than it's predecessors, but much more rock infused. The energy level at this point had accumulated, and he had the stadium (and the world) in his hands like putty. His smooth dance moves really put his talent out there, and at this point you could tell Bruno was giving this show his all, and he was doing a damn good job at it.

Then, the shirtless Red Hot Chili Peppers emerged from behind the screen. Again, the energy? Insanely high. Millions of people across the planet shamelessly headbanged along with the guitar players to this duet made in heaven. The dancing became a bit spastic towards the middle with the drums just banging recklessly, but hey, in the heat of the moment, it didn't matter much.

Finally, the Just The Way You Are instrumental picked up, and as Bruno made his way to the middle of the field and the audience cleared, we see the faces of armed forces sending out messages to their loved ones. Classiest way to clear the audience and to move to center stage. Well done. Soon a spot light came on and Bruno passionately belted his face off to his lover as fireworks exploded all around the stadium. Now that must have been a powerful thing to watch in the stadium, but the fireworks overlaid next to Bruno came across as a bit cheesy. It was much more powerful watching the pyrotechnics behind him.

Overall, Bruno did the halftime show justice, and more. He was classy, he was energized, he was timeless. The NFL has nailed it 3 years in a row with their choices for the halftime show, and hopefully 2015 is just as promising. Bruno, go to your press conferences proud tonight, because even though there were some small decisions that should have been tweaked, you made a real name for yourself.

Overall: A

Saturday, January 25, 2014

56th Grammy Award Predictions (2014)

The biggest awards show and night in music will return tomorrow evening on CBS. With millions across the globe watching to see who will win, the pressure is on for the academy to deliver deserving awards and stellar performances.

Best New Artist
James Blake (0/10)
Kendrick Lamar (3/10)
Ed Sheeran (0/10)
Kacey Musgraves (4/10)
Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (3/10)

Best New Artist has a history of being unpredictable, namely Esperanza Spalding's win a few years ago over Florence + The Machine and Justin Bieber. This year, don't expect Ed Sheeran or James Blake to pull an upset, it seems far more likely that tomorrow night, a non-pop artist will emerge victorious. Kendrick is the front runner to take home Album of the Year and received massive critical acclaim with his debut, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis were hard to stop last year with Thrift Monster, and Kacey Musgraves emerged as Country's saving grace. Kacey is going to garner the support of Country voters in their entirety, which will greatly benefit her. Rap voters will be split between Kendrick and Macklemore, and pop voters will probably even out the field. It'll be a tight race between these 3 contenders, but I'll bet on Kacey.

Best Pop Solo Performance
Brave - Sara Bareilles (1.5/10)
Roar - Katy Perry (.5/10)
Royals - Lorde (3/10)
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake (2.5/10)
When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars (2.5/10)

This will be a tight race, as all contenders have massive strengths. Last year Adele pulled through with a live Set Fire To The Rain, but thankfully for this years contenders, Adele is not present. It seems unlikely that Katy Perry will end her Grammy drought with the undeserving Roar, or that Sara Bareilles will be able to knock out massive hits like Royals and Mirrors. The real fight will be between Lorde and Bruno. Justin seems less likely than before to take home a Grammy this year, after the Grammys inexcusably left him out of the major categories. Bruno has wide spread appeal, along with Lorde, who will look to the stage Sunday to hear one of their names called.

Best Pop Duo or Group Performance
Just Give Me a Reason - P!nk Feat. Nate Reuss (6/10)
Get Lucky - Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell (2/10)
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke Feat. T.I. and Pharrell (0/10)
Stay - Rihanna Feat. Mikky Ekko (2/10)
Suit and Tie - Justin Timberlake Feat. Jay-Z (0/10)

Robin and Justin better practice their gracious loser faces, for it seems very unlikely they'll be picked over Grammy powerhouse Pink and Daft Punk. Rihanna also boasts a solid chance here, with her incredible duet Stay. Pink has the greatest chances here because: 1) She's a Grammy legend after her 2010 performance of Glitter in the Air, 2) The song features Nate Reuss, who was a Grammy favorite last year with Fun. 3) Just Give Me a Reason was inescapable last year, and is still massive among Adult stations. Daft Punk and Rihanna could pull an upset here, but P!nk shouldn't stress at all.

Best Pop Vocal Album
Lana Del Rey - Paradise (1/10)
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke (.5/10)
Pure Heroine - Lorde (3.5/10)
Unorthodox Jukebox - Bruno Mars (3/10)
The 20/20 Experience - The Complete Experience - Justin Timberlake (2/10)

Blurred Lines is not going to appeal to female voters in the least, and Paradise will alienate the Grammy voters, so they have the least chances by far. Justin Timberlake has the next slimmest chances, since Part 2 of the 20/20 Experience will tarnish the work that Part 1 laid out. Again here, Lorde and Bruno's universal appeal give them a massive edge over their competition, and even better, they both deserve the award.

Song of the Year
Roar - Katy Perry (0/10)
Just Give Me a Reason - P!nk Feat. Nate Reuss (3/10)
Royals - Lorde (3/10)
Locked out of Heaven - Bruno Mars (2/10)
Same Love - Macklemore and Rayn Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert (2/10)

Roar won't win. If it does, I will lose all respect for the Grammys in their entirety. It's shameful it was even nominated in this category. In this category, the Grammys are looking for the best lyrics, and that is a battle between Lorde and P!nk. Locked out of Heaven is okay lyrically, but I've said it 47 times, Bruno's universal appeal is going to be his strength here. Same Love has great lyrics, but it just doesn't seem to have half the strength of these other massive, quadruple platinum No.1 hits. Same Love stalled at No.11, and isn't even double platinum. Royals and Just Give Me a Reason were the biggest hits of the bunch with great lyrics and quality music. Thankfully, it seems likely that one of the two will take the award home.

Record of the Year
Get Lucky - Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell (3/10)
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (2.5/10)
Royals - Lorde (2/10)
Locked out of Heaven - Bruno Mars (1.5/10)
Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke Feat. T.I. and Pharrell (.5/10)

I actually gave Robin some points here because his song was the biggest of the 5, and Blurred Lines is actually a good record. Bruno will have a hard time overcoming Daft Punk and Lorde, but even then his chances are still solid. Lorde has fewer points here because if there is any category the Grammys are going to cut from her, it's this one. Radioactive and Get Lucky are too timeless and incredible for even a song like Royals to overcome.

Album of the Year
The Blessed Unrest - Sara Bareilles (.5/10)
Good Kid, m.A.A.d City - Kendrick Lamar (2/10)
The Heist - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis (1.5/10)
Red - Taylor Swift (4/10)
Random Access Memories - Daft Punk (2/10)

Every album in this category is phenomenal and poses a solid threat to it's contenders, even The Blessed Unrest. Sara's strength here is the publicity she gained from her nomination, as well as the Roar debacle. Even better for her, Brave has been the highest ranking hit from September to January out of any other single from these albums. She is actually making more headlines right now than any other of these artists, a major advantage. However, her album sales are south of 300,000 and definitely aren't helping her out against these other platinum and multi-platinum albums. And she didn't get nominated in the lesser Pop Vocal category either. Sorry Sara, but you're the underdog. The top contender here is Taylor by far. Red is the best seller out of these albums, scanning nearly 4,000,000 copies. It's also fairly acclaimed, scoring a 77 on metacritic on over 30 reviews (though it is beaten to death by Kendrick's 91 on 36 reviews, and Daft Punk's 87 on 48(!) reviews). And of course, her biggest strength? Crossover appeal. She'll get almost all Country voters, as well as a significant number of Pop voters, while Rap will be once more split between Kendrick and Macklemore. Taylor has the best chance of winning the award, and creating a massive Grammy legacy.

Who do you think will be the big winner on Sunday night? Who should win and who will win? Comment below!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Single Review: Shakira Feat. Rihanna - Can't Remember to Forget You

After nearly a month of dormancy, Critic of Music is back with first post of 2014. And what a way to start the year with two of the biggest pop stars on the planet, Shakira and Rihanna collaborating on Can’t Remember to Forget You.

Where Can’t Remember tries to be different, it gets scared, and concedes to typical pop-rock radio fodder. The Caribbean-Latin vibe in the verses is something that we’ve seen from Shakira very often, but Rihanna tends to keep that sound hidden deep in her albums (bar the overshadowed single You Da One). But the chorus quickly comes out at you like a fireball of misplaced guitars and synths, with Shakira’s “oh’s” only growing more irritating as the song progresses. Rihanna somewhat mimics her diction, but takes more liberty with the rhythm in the chorus.

The lyrics, though they come coupled with the interesting line “Can’t Remember to Forget You,” fail to bring anything as witty or charming to the table. It’s like Katy Perry had her Roar lyrics ripped off and spattered on this mumbled love song (which just continues a sad pattern, ask Sara Bareilles). Is it catchy? Kind of. Is it revolutionary? Not at all. Overall, a major disappointment from two accomplished pop stars.

Lyrics: D+

Vocals: C-

Production: C

Overall: C-